尹韵雅 1990年生于中国四川,她的作品从影像出发,并结合装置,录像,诗歌等。尹韵雅的创作通常关注到生存、生产与物质的关系,通过游猎与借用的方式获得线索,并常将身边的概念与遥远的事态相连接,瓦解外在可见的“现实形象”背后的意义,形成某种含蓄且陌生的表达,讨论个体在其正在变革的环境中面临的困境与谜题,以在沉思中获得答案。 尹韵雅是 PDN 年度摄影奖的获得者,2023年在成都当代影像馆举办个展,作品于英国利物浦双年展、法国多维尔艺术节、法国诺曼底、美国纽约、日本松本等地展出,并被报道于英国 Aesthetica Magazine, THE WEEK, 美国PDN Magazine, L’Officiel, 法国摄影之眼等艺术媒体。作为影像创作者,她被收录于2017年由英国Thames&Hudson出版的《Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now》中。 _______________ YIN YUNYA Born 1990 in Sichuan, China, Yin Yunya's work starts from photography, and combines installations, videos, and poetry, among others. Her artistic practice delves into the relationships among existence, production, and materiality. She acquires clues through hunting and borrowing, linking local concepts with distant events, dismantling the meaning behind the visible "reality image," forming a subtle and unfamiliar expression. Her work discusses the challenges and puzzles individuals face in their evolving environments, seeking answers through contemplation. Yin Yunya is the winner of the PDN Annual Photography Award. In 2023, she held a solo exhibition at Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum (China). Her works have been exhibited in various places including Liverpool Biennial (UK), Divertissement Art Festival (France), Normandy (France), New York (USA), and Matsumoto (Japan). Yin has been featured in art media such as Aesthetica Magazine, THE WEEK (UK), PDN Magazine, L’Officiel (USA), and the Eye of Photography (France). As a photographer, Yin is included in "Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now", published by Thames & Hudson in 2017. .