塔可 1984年出生于青岛,曾就读于中国中央美术学院与美国罗彻斯特理工学院。塔可的作品大多从传统文本出发,关注遗迹探寻与记忆重塑。 近期的展览包括:2024年北京民生现代美术馆“驼铃声响——丝绸之路艺术大展”;2023年北京时代美术馆“域·绘·场:路与文化的相遇”展览/ 广东美术馆“念念迁流——风景的图像变迁与当代转向”展览/ 上海余德耀美术馆“跨界:可能与回响”展览/ 北京三影堂+3画廊“幽隐之地”个展;2020年法国瑞米耶日修道院“东流不作西归水——摄影师的中国河流观察”展览/ 北京中间美术馆“忍不住转身”展览;2018年美国纽约华美协进社“山的艺术:透过中国摄影师的镜头”展览;2017年北京三影堂摄影艺术中心“中国当代摄影40年——三影堂10周年特展”;2016年美国纽约前波画廊“碑录——黄易计划”个展;2015年美国皮茨菲尔德波克夏美术馆“永恒存在:艺术和东亚”展览;2014年美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆“中国册页艺术展”/ 澳大利亚悉尼“第十九届悉尼双年展”。2013年北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心“杜尚与/或/在中国”展览。 塔可的作品被美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆、美国费城美术馆、中国中央美术学院美术馆、中国广东美术馆、美国洛杉矶郡立美术馆与机构收藏。
_______________ TACA SUI Born 1984 in Qingdao, China, Taca Sui studied at China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Rochester Institute of Technology. Recent exhibitions include Flows of Inspiration: The Image Evolution of Landscape and its Contemporary Turn, Guangdong Museum of Art, China (2023); Bordercrossing: Possibilities and Interactions, Shanghai, China (2023); Land of Solitude, Three Shadows +3 Gallery, Beijing, China (2023); Flowing Waters Never Return to the Source: Photographers Gazing at the River in China, Jumièges Abbey, France (2020); An Impulse to turn, Inside-Out Art Museum, Beijing, China (2020); Art of the Mountain: Through the Chinese Photographer’s Lens, China Institute Gallery, New York (2018); 40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Photography 1976-2017, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, China (2017); Steles-Huang Yi Project, Chambers Fine Art, New York, USA (2016); Art and East Asia, Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, USA (2015); The Art of the Chinese Album, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA (2014); DUCHAMP and/or/in CHINA , Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing (2013). Taca’s work is included in the permanent collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California; the Pacific Asia Museum, California; the CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, among others.